miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

about cars

Is a fact that cars are an important part of our society as we live it now. Many people are crazy about the desing and the mechanic of them as the history of them in time, we even have plays to hit the person right next to you when you see a certain tipe of car. 

I live next a principal street so I can hear cars and buses all night long and about six am I woke up just for the noise of people moving, so I get used to it but it is very uncomfortable when at 7 am they start being rude to each other. This is one of the things I really do not like about so many cars in the city, even sometimes people use their cars to move a block from they are.

I think we might be depending to much on cars sometimes, maybe not all population can develop this depending because of the money and ages (kids and old people can not drive them) but it is a fact that in all big cities we have cars to transport and that is, at least in Chile, a symbol of status. Maybe that is another thing that made us depend on cars, and obviously because they are the faster way to get anywhere most of the time, and if it is not is always the most comfortable.

Following this last ideas I think that they are a great invention as a toy and as a transport, very usefull for people who work until late, for when you have kids, have to carry around a lot of things or for people who travel a lot. Another great use of them are the creation of taxi services that now complement with cellphones technology to be safer than before. 

To conclude, I  think cars are a great invention but that we need to think in ways to use them better to save natural recourses and to make them not a problem, like the noise and screaming in the morning or evening, but a less complicated solution. 

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

"Technology is becoming more prevalent in our lives and world. There are pros and cons to this situation. Discuss both, and state whether you see more pros or cons with this."

Is a real thing that we can not live without technology these days or at least it should be very difficult. In one day we use a cellphone, a tv, computers, and machines for everything: coffe, papers, food and to pay all that things. A impressive thing of the week in fact is that the new Metro line has no driver or cashier so if they do not have securuty people you do not see people working in there.

A lot of people love the fact that there are not people working there mainly because is faster to charge the Bip card. Is well known that people are slower than machines and that they make less mistakes. Another reason because we use a lot of this machines or smart stuff is because they made our lives much more easy and even fun, for example when I am in home and remember a had to read a text that i do not have in paper, most of the time I can download it and have it in seconds in my coputer or IPad and even in my cellphone so I can read it anywhere. And when you are bored in a space where is nothing to do you can be on social media and comunicate when people or see videos, bacause it is like the principal reason we use tecnology now is not for the original reason.

In contrast we have to fight to the web sites that somethimes are the only way to ask for an appoinment o change your information of pages of the goverment. This last one is a real problem to old people because most of them do not know how to use computers or advanced technology and the goverment most of the time ask to people to enter a web site to do paper work that you used to do in an office. Here we can see another problem: people are getting without their jobs because of the machines that replace them, and it is something that we used to read when kids as science fiction but now is real. Maybe this is going much more fast that we can and is definetly making changes in the society, for example kids get home from school and the lock inside computers and video games and is well known that it contribute to health problems, a thing that was unusual even when we were kids.

I apreciate more the technology that con be use for only one or two propouses, like washes machines. Maybe if we get too into the not really nesessary technology things we can lose our mind, like we do on Facebook. Also we need to apreciate the work for the people and not try to replace it because it can be bad used.

In conclude, we need technology, is not bad to create things that make our lifes easier but we need to think in how it can and will be used, the people that will be afected and try to think on all de consecuences.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

“pollution is a problem that people are becoming increasingly aware of”

Many things contribute to pollution; it is made not only for smog but also the release of the trees on spring. Another kind of pollution is the acoustic or noise contamination especially in main cities. This has a lot of consequences that we are going to develop on the rest of this text.
Old people always complain about how much pollution are on the air these days and how they need to spend a lot of money on pills for their health, these mainly allergic diseases makes people suffer from their eyes and breathing conducts apart from pain in their heads and tiredness.
Another piece of population that is affected by this consequences are babies specially those who recently stop drinking breast milk. To summarize they can develop diseases that last much more that childhood.
There are other parts of the society that also have trouble with this fact: tourism. Some times of the year we can go up the San Cristobal hill and even in the highest part not see the city because of the grey air that cover it. This causes trouble with the jobs of people that work on that and in tourists that come to see pretty thing and they get disappointed.

Regarding to the causes of pollution we can find that big companies do not always are careful with the environment although the public politic says they must be, and that Santiago is in a hole that keep in pollution and is very difficult that it just get out. Because of those (and obviuosly more) reasons people is being affected and notices pollution.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

living in a remote area can make a person's life rather challenging

Living in a remote area can make a person's life rather challenging. There are many reasons for a person who live away from a city or away from central services(supermarket, paying services, hospital, school or works, bank. etc.) have lifes  more difficult than a person who lives closer. For example, to get to school sometimes people walk kilometers in roads who are expose to the changing weather.
Regarding to critical situations, in case of an accident this people has to know how to react and exactly what to do in a short period of time because the time they lose just getting to an hospital can be decisive.  In other words, live in a remote area can be difficult if you are used to live in a city but if you take time to think about times, weather and other factors, you can make it work.

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

Gender roles

In our society we have a lot of traditions, manners, and expectations, some of them criticized now a days for our (the new) generation. It's true that times are changing but is also true that they change about 20 o 30 years regularly.
As we said before a lot of things are being criticized but I would like to speak of one in particular: gender roles and how they are taught between generations, making them like a nartural orden in human relations.
There are not much information about gender roles in first childhood, this specific point haven't been spoken loudly or studied by a lot of people but that doesn't mean that it is not happening. The generations of this years of primary education in the institution have noticed and started studying this, so too another organizations for the education in the university, but the only "relevant" or recognized published papers or texts that talk about this are a little bit old: from the first ideas of feminism.
This ideas have spoken a lot about gender roles, and a thing I found interesting about this is how we pass this concepts. We can clearly see in first childhood education spaces how the adult world dominate absolutely everything and teaches preconcieved ideas.
That is the place I would like to study: what speeches do we have and why we do not cuestionate them?

jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

last paper

The last paper I read was about evolutionary psychology for Theories of development and learning subject. We did groups this week and every group has to make a presentation of the paper of subject the teacher gave next week.
I haven't finished it but for whar I have read I can say it's a interesting thing, I definitely would read more about it not just because I have to. I think I'll enjoy searching for text and material for the presentation.
This is one of my favourites subjects in the year, I'm lucky that I have the first part on the first semester and that this following subject show us how many things we leanrt in the first part of the year were not so right. That's why I like to read about the content of the subject, because you can find a lot of different theories.
Another subject I loved and I think it deserve another following course is Health and care of the children, it talk about a lot of what really happen on the kindergarden and not just theories. At first I didn't think that this two subjects have much in common but I get surprised.
When I have much to study I usually read on the bus to college, I don't know why that is the place I get more focus than anywhere, so 40 minutes there and it really helps.